I arrive at Athens International. Rather traumatized from the lack of sleep, I walk around in state of zombie-like somber; but it’s also extremely laid back and freeing. The first thing I notice about this airport is that is has music playing everywhere; just schnazzy stuff that you’d hear out of a Sim City game- makes me want to plan some cities out and make a city.
In hopes of intercepting my real bag, I go to the baggage claim, and to my dismay it does not come through. I really should have known better because it’s a transfer flight. I just don’t want to have to deal with carrying a box around.
The night before leaving, I received news that a friend of mine, Gergana, received a postcard I sent her. In an extremely short notice, she arranged that one of her friends meet me in Athens. Although a few communication errors, we made it through.
I establish contact with Dimi, Gergana’s friend. And I proceed through the airport with my box.
“What’s in the box?”
“You want to see? Go ahead.”
I walk out, feeling like a free animal to roam in this huge city.
It’s different being in Europe again. I feel so civilized. There’s a subway. There are Euros. The infrastructure is okay and timely. I’ll admit. I miss the Middle East. As one reference once stated, “We liked being there, there was simply not as many useless things there as there are in Europe.”
So true.
So I figure out the public transportation in no time, although busses I’m still lost at. I ask around and go to Monastariki- downtown. My logic is that busy places have cafes, and cafes have internet; contact to Dimi.
Just one right turn out of the metro exit and ancient Roman ruins stand unscathed. With the territory comes, however, tourists. Everywhere. And all the services to accomodate them; restaurants, beggars, and gift shops.
Dimi and her friend- whose name I regrettably forget- tell me about Greece; the traffic, the people, whatever you can fit into a five hour timeframe. The Greek use the same word for Hello and Goodbye-yashu/yashsus, as well as nod their heads left and right to indicate "yes."
And before you know it, my departure time summons me...
I sleep on this flight. I'm dead tired. And I got this box to lug around. Here are some sunset pictures...and THE BOX.
No internet :( |
Desktop-worthy |
I overnight in the Milan airport. The highlights being...
1. Constant music playing out of an antique car, making it harder to sleep.
2. A Chinese girl making circles around me and eventually asking me something in Chinese, to which I respond "I don't speak Chinese" resulting in her disappointment.
3. Sleeping on a chair.
4. Talking to the EasyJet clerk.
and finally...
5. Leaving.
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